Like Drayton's first rattail, Drayton's first mullet was a proud moment for us as parents. Call me crazy, but I think it is a great birthday tradition.
Last time to touch those sweet curls! |
Masterpiece!! |
He might look like a sweet angel, but the moment I finished cutting the mullet, he got an Attitude with a capital A! It was like he just knew he had to be a brat. Anyways, the next day was his little party in the park. He got what every boy wants. A giant fruit tray. Seriously though, he loves him some strawberries and began shoveling them in his mouth as fast as he could.
I mean, just behold the glory. |
sweet little guys |
For his birthday, we gave him his very favorite: burger and fries. He goes crazy over french fries. We also gave him the rest of his haircut. |
Then, he got to go pick out some fish. |
And finally, he opened "birfday pesents!" If you ask him how old he is, he says "pesents".
He is such a sweet little guy. We are truly thankful for the blessing he is. |